Family Relaxation

No Time for Relaxation? Three Simple Steps to Trim Tab in the Direction of Consistent Relaxation Practice!

A few years ago, I heard a speaker introduce me to the concept of trim tabbing.  As he was speaking, he stated that I could easily reach my goals if I made small, incremental changes each day in the direction of my dreams.  I have applied this concept many times since hearing that speech.  Any

No Time for Relaxation? Three Simple Steps to Trim Tab in the Direction of Consistent Relaxation Practice! Read More »

relaxation cave

Cave Time

Remember when you were a kid how fun it was to build a fort? I have had a fort in my living room since last weekend’s sleep over.  “It’s so much fun, Mom!  Can’t I just sleep in here one more night?  Then I will move it, I promise!”, my nine-year-old daughter reassures me.  And,

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