The Relaxation Journey

The Relaxation Journey

Passport to Relaxation

Building upon the positive passport theme, I created a Relaxation Passport for use in my small groups.  Each week as we practice a new relaxation tool, we put a stamp in our booklet–to denote our travel to said relaxation destination.  However, it’s a journey.  Students find this so fun in that you can see where you have been and have this booklet to collect and to practice the relaxation tools that were previously introduced.

So, take a deep breath, go get some fun stickers, select some relaxation tools to practice, and get started on your relaxation journey today! It’s a lifelong journey!

Your Relaxation Backpack

A few years back I gave a presentation at a summer camp for parents of children with dyslexia.  In that presentation, I included a “Relaxation Backpack” for parents, sending them with some relaxation tools to get started building a daily relaxation practice with their child.  Here are a few of the slides to get you started on your relaxation journey:

Blessings for a Peaceful Journey….

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