Join This Podcast Tonight on Kids Relaxation Strategies

Here’s the invite for tonight’s podcast in which I am the interviewee!  Join us!

Yay…another Tuesday and tonight’s show is all about the children (yeah…you adults can tag along too)! I will be talking about the latest social media app SnapChat (that’s where your kids are probably right now) and my segment #AskMamaChar is about parenthood.

My guest, Zemirah Jazwierska is an author, school psychologist & mother! She will share how she beat anxiety at age 23 after being told she would have to medicate for the rest of her life to cope. She found better alternatives than pharmaceuticals & quickly learned it was no accident she had decided to search them out, when her own daughter presented with the same symptoms. Through her research and education she founded Kids Relaxation & has made it her life mission to help as many children (and parents) struggling with numerous anxiety illnesses. Zemirah’s work with Kids Relaxation has been recognized worldwide & she is now known as the “Relaxation Coach”. Find more about Zemirah’s remarkable program at &

Our musical guest, Shaina Noll, will share her sound “You can Relax Now”. Find Shaina on her website, youTube,, Amazon and

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